dc.contributorMonsalve Riquetti, Juan Fernando
dc.creatorBustamante Prieto, Karin Paola
dc.creatorPeralta Tapia, Aida Patricia
dc.description.abstractThis research seeks to economically valuate the failure to use phytosanitary products in the production of table tomato under greenhouse in the Canton Guachapala Province of Azuay in order to experience an improvement in the health of people living nearby these greenhouses, through the estimation of Availability to Pay (ATP). In order to carry out this valuation, the contingent valuation method (CVM) was used, i.e a hypothetical market was created for the good in question, since this is the more efficient methodology for economically valuing environmental assets that do not have a specific market. This method is justified in the difference of the indirect function of utility of an individual, model ofHanemann (1984). Difference that is obtained when modeling the responses that the consumer has to demand the good in question in a hypothetical market, created for this Objective, with their socio-economic conditions. The results of the survey and further processing of the data determined an availability to pay $ 9.60 per year. The results of the survey determined an economic and social impact of $ 8,438.40. This value represents the change in the welfare that the homes of Guachapala obtain by incorporating this service to their levels of consumption.
dc.subjectMedio Ambiente
dc.subjectEconomia Ambiental
dc.subjectValoracion Contingente
dc.subjectCanton Guachapala
dc.titleValoración económica del efecto en la salud provocada por el uso de los productos fitosanitarios en la producción de tomate de mesa bajo invernadero en el cantón Guachapala provincia del Azuay

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