dc.contributorGárate Andrade, Wilson Orlando
dc.creatorRivadeneira Campoverde, Arely Gissela
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT The main objective of present research is to know the uses and rewards that students received from social networks, applied on MacasHighschool located in the Macas city, Morona Santiago province. To achieve this objective, a descriptive research was applied because the characteristics of a specific situation described in a given time. It was quantitatively because it was based on statistics expressed in tables and numerical graphics from the results of the application of surveys to a sample of 243 adolescent and 38 teachers in the highschool; and was a projective research to solution a problem encountered focused on using social media in education was raised. The research found that social networks play a role of entertainment and information medium for students to be aware of social events we attend to personally interact with their friends and to keep abreast of international and local news; that is, that social networks are not a substitute for interpersonal relationships. In this regard, it has proposed the creation of a Digital School Journalism Club as a strategy of leveraging social networks for communication and educational purposes, since, it became evident that teachers are not using the technologies and educational social networks for learning.
dc.subjectComunicacion Social
dc.subjectRedes Sociales
dc.subjectPeriodismo Escolar
dc.subjectPeriodismo Digital
dc.titleLa teoría de los usos y gratificaciones aplicada a las redes sociales: análisis de la situación en estudiantes del colegio de bachillerato “Macas”, de la ciudad de Macas, provincia de Morona Santiago, año 2016

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