dc.contributorMacero Méndez, Reina María
dc.creatorIbañez Tapia, Daniela Carolina
dc.creatorOrtiz Velecela, Jessica Paola
dc.description.abstract• BACKGROUND Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein secreted by the cells of the prostate gland; the elevated levels of PSA are increased in several pathologies. According to studies carried out, men older than 40 years are those who have a greater predisposition to suffer alterations at the prostate level; one of the main factors is age, along with other factors such as family history, genetic alterations, obesity and posture. • OBJECTIVE To determine the prostate-specific antigen values in the drivers of the taxi drivers union of the City of Cuenca.2017 • METHODS It is a cross-sectional descriptive study carried out on the drivers over 40 years of the Union of Taxi Drivers of the City of Cuenca, through the ELISA method, which was carried out with the respective authorization, informed consent and a survey of the drivers; the data obtained were recorded and tabulated in Excel and SPSS version 21 respectively. • RESULTS In this study it was found that 4.5% of professors of the Union of Taxistas of the City of Cuenca presented altered PSAt values, in which the most predisposing factor was age, drivers older than 81 years. • CONCLUSIONS In conclusion to the interpretation of the results, it was found that there was a predominance of normal values, however it must be taken into account that there were certain altered results
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.subjectLaboratorio Clínico
dc.subjectAnálisis clínico
dc.subjectCantón Cuenca
dc.titleValores de antígeno prostático específico en los choferes profesionales de la unión de taxistas en la ciudad de Cuenca.2017

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