dc.contributorMora Serrano, Juan Sebastián
dc.creatorVizuete Delgado, Kevin Javier
dc.creatorVidal Andrade, Carlos Andrés
dc.description.abstractAs preliminary project, prior to obtaining a professional degree, a project must be presente. I have chosen as preliminary project the design for a Historical Memorial Museum. The Historial Memorial Museum will evoque and represent the heroic deed shown by the Ecuadorians during the fight between Ecuador and Peru, which fought against each-other during the war of 1995. During the 1995 war, Gualaquiza city was one (of three fields) used as an operational hub by the Ecuadoring Army. The Gualiquiza province is located at the Morona Santiago Province. This work/project will be dedicated to the people of Gualaquiza, in a broad summary, this project will encompass of a museum, a library, a conference room, and a food court (or the like). The proposal for this project originated as a result of a preliminary networking and negotiation along the municipalidad of GualaquIza or Gualiquiza-GAD. In addition, the Selva Brigade No. 63, showed some interest, and have further provide us with information, which is crucial for the development of above noted project. Due to the location for this project, which is noted below, major equipment and machinery is a must, such a bulldozers, excavators, and the like. Gualaquiza and the entire province of Morona Santiago, is pluricultural province, and it lacks of land marks and/or monuments for specialized cultural showcases. More specifically, mainly referring to a place to showcase history from passed conflicts such as the Cenepa conflict, local made handicrafts, ancestral element, and cultural elements in general. Going back to the development of the Gualaquiza project, in addition to the above mentioned features, a space for reading may be contemplated and added, since at present the Gualaquiza canton does not have a library. The project is located on a piece of land with an approximate space of ten thousand square meters, near a current uban park entitle PARQUE DE LOS HÉROES. The proposal lies in the functionality and spatiality, the shape of the architectural object which will be the result of what was previously mentioned.
dc.subjectCantón Gualaquiza
dc.titleAnteproyecto del museo histórico memorial del parque urbano "Parque de los héroes" del GAD Gualaquiza

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