dc.contributorEstévez Abad, René Fernando
dc.contributorGarcía Alvear, Jorge Luis
dc.creatorArias Regalado, Johanna Estefanía
dc.creatorBarros Torres, José Roberto
dc.description.abstractOne of the most common problems after traumatic brain injury are caseizures, early or late submission, which are the result of excessive neuronal discharge that may even lead to the development of post-traumatic epilepsy, psychosocial development and limiting economic sufferer . TARGET To determine the frequency of seizures in TBI patients who come to the Institute of Social Security, Cuenca 2012-2013. MATERIALS AND METHOD A prospective descriptive study was conducted in the period December 2012 -October 2013. The sample was representative, selected for 3 months based on the following criteria: patients after head trauma, presenting pathologies such as subdural hemorrhage, epidural and intraparenchymal, epidural hematoma and subdural; attending the Institute of Social Security; Forms were collected information: age, Glasgow, anticonvulsant therapy, trauma type, type of visible injury TAC . Patients were asked informed to track consent for 6 months, during which Forms onset seizures that were confirmed with a doctor's diagnosis was detected. The data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2007 software version 12.0.4518.1014, is represented by statistical tables and graphs. RESULTS: 28% prevalence of seizure onset was found post TEC. 60% was in the open trauma, most often between 0 to 10 years (10%) in males ( 32%). 27% had epidural and subdural hematoma. In severe TEC were 50%, 60% appeared in the immediate trauma period. 31% of patients who suffered TEC had mild disability, while 5 % died. KEYWORDS: SEIZURES; CEREBRAL TRAUMA; BRAIN INJURY; HEAD TRAUMA; JOSÈ CARRASCO ARTEAGA HOSPITAL; CUENCA-ECUADOR.
dc.subjectCrisis Convulsivas
dc.subjectTraumatismo Cerebral
dc.subjectLesion Cerebral
dc.subjectTraumatismos Encefalicos
dc.subjectTrauma Abierto
dc.subjectHospital Jose Carrasco Arteaga
dc.titleFrecuencia de crisis convulsivas en pacientes con traumatismo craneoencefálico que acuden al Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social, Cuenca 2012-2013

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