dc.description.abstract | Objective:
Determine the prevalence and factors associated with academic stress in students of Health Sciences of the Catholic University of Cuenca. 2016
Analytical, cross-sectional study, the sample was probabilistic, by two-stage cluster in 358 randomly selected students. A form with demographic variables and associated factors was applied, in addition: the familiar APGAR test, AUDIT test, Hamilton scale, stress coping questionnaire (CAE) and the SISCO inventory. The ratio of factors associated with academic stress was determined by using the prevalence ratio (PR) with a confidence interval accuracy (95% CI), and a statistical significance verified by X2 with its value (p) <0.05
The prevalence of academic stress was 87.2%. The mean age was 21.34 years, between a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 36 years. Young adults accounted for 67.6%. The female sex was 63.1%. The singles 93.6%. A statistically significant association was determined with civil status and careers in Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing and Clinical Psychology with: RP> 1; CI (95%)> 1; Value (p) <0.05.
Students with academic stress had a risk factor for the medical and dental careers, the career of Clinical Psychology and Nursing, risk factors and sometimes-protective factors were sex, age, residence, cycle Repetition, family functionality, alcohol consumption, depression and coping | |