dc.contributorAuquilla Díaz, Nancy Eulalia
dc.creatorDelgado Chuma, Likan Adriel
dc.description.abstractBackground: According to the records of the National Food and Nutrition Health Survey - year 2013, in Ecuador, iron deficiency anemia was 25.7% in preschoolers and 62% in children under one year. Anemia affects neurological, cognitive, physical and intellectual development. General Objective: To determine the prevalence of anemia in children under 5 years of the external consultation of the Chorocopte, Quilloac operational units, in the period January - July 2016. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional descriptive study was performed based on the SIVAN (Integral Nutritional Surveillance System) or SGI (Integral Management System) and clinical records. A form for data collection was used. Tabulation and analysis of the results: The data were entered and processed in Excel and SPSS programs, the results are presented in tables and graphs. Results. The general prevalence of anemia was 66 %, 44% moderate anemia and 22% mild anemia. Chorocopte Operational Unit. The prevalence of anemia was higher in pre-school children (30.3%), male gender (36.4%), rural origin (53.6%), normal weight (51.6), normal height (30.3%), normal body mass index (60.6%), exclusive breastfeeding (66.7%), with iron supplementation (53.7%). Quilloac Operational Unit. The prevalence of anemia was higher in pre-school (30%), male (39.4%), rural (65.8%), normal weight (63.2%), low height (29%), Normal BMI (65.8%), exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding at 5 and 6 months of age (40%).
dc.subjectNutricon Y Dietetica
dc.subjectAnemia Infantil
dc.subjectProvincia Del Cañar
dc.titlePrevalencia de anemia en niños menores de 5 años, en las Unidades Operativas Chorocopte, Quilloac, Cañar, enero a julio 2016

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