dc.contributorVásquez Guevara, Denisse Helena
dc.creatorTorres Quinche, Wilson Fernando
dc.description.abstractThe Manos Dadivosas Foundation was established in September 2016 with the mission and vision of providing social help and emotional and spiritual support to people with limited economic resources. One of the most valuable spaces to invest in an NGO is in the communication area. Creating a strong, solid, and recognizable image, considering that people need to belong to something, they want to feel identified and represented, also want to be part of something on their social networks. A well-built image identity is vital to building a long-term project. Giving a structure to its initiatives is valuable for the Foundation since it wants to reach many beneficiaries; therefore, they trigger their help as soon as possible. For this reason, it is necessary to shape your projects, defining good communication channels guided by a specialized department. A communication plan for the NGO is important since this summarized in the creation of a professional website with information on the projects accompanied by a network of benefactors or donors, presence in social networks, precise information to those who contribute to the project, and possible collaborators, sending information through email marketing tools, will be the three essential initiatives for a communication plan since three specific defects were identified, within the said organization, which are: the lack of a communication department, the lack of communication channels and the absence of professionals in the area of organizational communication
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectComunicación Social
dc.subjectComunicación asertiva
dc.subjectExpresión oral
dc.titlePropuesta de plan de comunicación estratégico para la Fundación Manos Dadivosas

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