dc.contributorLuzuriaga Vásconez, Washington Germán
dc.creatorFlores Cedillo, Mónica Estefanía
dc.creatorDías Samaniego, Jessica Vanessa
dc.description.abstractThis research was carried out with the participation of professionals who work in reception centers and who care for people who have experienced situations of violence. The purpose of the research is to recognize the presence of Burnout in the professionals who work in these centers, in addition to identify in a reflexive way with the responsible of each center the mechanisms of prevention, approach and attention of the problem, the prevention and approach mechanisms that Have the institutions towards this problem, in order to identify the personal factors, the levels and contextual factors of the staff that works in each institution, in such a way that allows us to make a comparative analysis between the conditioning factors of each host center. Methodologically, the research work is approached from a qualitative approach, through an interview on labor climate and focus groups, directed to professionals who work directly with victims of violence that were transcribed and analyzed with the help of the program Atlas, version 6.2, facilitating in this sense the construction of categories, the presentation of their relations in a structural network and the subsequent theorizing. The results show that professionals who tend to suffer from Burnout syndrome are those who have impaired (conflictive) or poor interpersonal relationships in their workplace, as well as the work overload and the absence of psychological self-care of the staff by the institutions, putting their mental and emotional health at risk. Concluding that the main cause of Burnout syndrome is the lack of knowledge about this problem and its conditioning factors.
dc.subjectPsicologia Clinica
dc.subjectRelaciones Interpersonales
dc.subjectSobrecarga Laboral
dc.subjectSalud Mental
dc.titleSíndrome de Burnout en profesionales que laboran en centros de acogida a víctimas de violencia

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