dc.contributorMacas Torres, José Roberto
dc.creatorRocano Piña, Maritza Jackeline
dc.creatorÑauta López, Mariela Estefania
dc.description.abstractThe proposed methodology of Learning in Motion is a program conducted by the Ministry of Education of Ecuador in which aims students to conduct activities with games and recreation that will feed the intellectual, physical, psychomotor, emotional, socio affective and cultural development of the kids. "The program is called 'Learning in Motion' because before conception to separate the physical activity of the learning process is had; all that can be learned while in motion, is a learning is for life, "said Education Minister Augusto Espinosa. "Learning in Motion" consists of thematic blocks containing activities undertaken students. These blocks are the following: armemos a circus, recover traditional games, we are gymnasts, we are athletes, let's dance and games with elements. These shares will be made along three of the five hours of physical education that are scheduled for each week; the remaining two hours related to the normal physical education curriculum that each school has carried out activities. Learning in Motion program will give the possibility to fulfill what determines the Constitution of Ecuador; the Organic Law of Intercultural Education and the National Plan for Good Living 2013 - 2017, favoring an integral actions of and citizens, "stimulating critical thinking, art and physical education, individual and community initiative and development skills and abilities to create and work."
dc.subjectGuia Didactica
dc.subjectCultura Fisica
dc.titleElaboración y aplicación de una guía didáctica para el desarrollo del programa aprendiendo en movimiento, dirigido a los estudiantes entre 5 a 7 años de la escuela particular C.D.I. Cuenca 2015-2016

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