dc.contributorWalter Iván Larriva Coronel
dc.creatorEncalada Ríos, Edison Hernán
dc.description.abstractRoot diseases in tomato cultivation table (Solanum lycopersicum Mill), causing major problems in crop development, showing great economic losses to the farmer. Management of beneficial microorganisms that act with respect to other inhibitors or repellents are very important for organic farming, these natural organisms regulate the development of pathogens. Among them stands Trichoderma sp. Thus, the present study evaluates two species of Trichoderma (T. harzianum (Rifai) and T. koningii (Qudem)), for the management of Pythium and Fusarium sp in the cultivation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill) at root level in crop development under greenhouse conditions in the first six months of cultivation, using three doses: low (25% less than the recommended dose), average (20cm³/l, commercial recommended dose) and high (25 % more than the recommended dose commercial) in addition two additional doses, one for each Trichoderma species with (30 % more than the recommended dose commercial) were used. The results showed Trichoderma harzianum in doses of 20 cc/l to be the most efficient way to control Pythium sp. and Fusarium sp. level seedbed and nursery. Noting also statistically significant differences Trichoderma species against witnesses
dc.subjectTrichoderma En Cultivo Tomate Riñon
dc.subjectCultivo Del Tomate Riñon
dc.subjectTomate Riñon Enfermedades
dc.subjectSolanum Lycopersicum Mill
dc.subjectEnfermedades De Raiz Del Tomate Riñon
dc.subjectMaestria En Agroecologia Y Ambiente
dc.titleEvaluación de dos especies de Trichoderma para el manejo de enfermedades fúngicas que afectan al cultivo del tomate (Solanum lycopersicum Mill) a nivel radicular en condiciones de invernadero

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