dc.contributorOrtíz Segarra, José Ignacio
dc.contributorMosquera Vallejo, Lorena Elizabeth
dc.creatorAndrade Rojas, Juan José
dc.creatorCeli Vélez, Ana Paola
dc.description.abstractBackground: human papilloma virus and sexually transmitted infections are two of the leading causes of morbi-mortality in Ecuador, however, there are no validated instruments on associated factors with these diseases. Objective: to establish the validity and reliability of a questionnaire about associated factors in infections caused by human papilloma virus and sexually transmitted infections in women from indigenous backgrounds, kychwa and shuar, of Ecuador. Methodology: a descriptive study was conducted in which 100 indigenous Kychwa and Shuar women, aged between 15 - 44 years of age, were interviewed. The validity was established by expert opinion and from evidence related to the content. The split half method and the internal consistency were used to determine the reliability, obtaining the Spearman-Brown and Kuder-Richardson coefficients. The data was processed in Acrobat 10, Excel 2010 and SPSS 20. Results: the validity analysis determined that the theoretical structure behind the questionnaire is in compliance with current scientific literature. In the reliability analysis, Spearman-Brown correlation coefficient of 0.83 was the outcome of the split half method of reliability. In the internal consistency analysis a value of 0.81 was the outcome from Kuder-Richardson. Conclusion: the questionnaire about the associated factors in infections caused by HPV and STDs is valid and reliable for use among indigenous Kychwa and Shuar women of Ecuador aged between 15 - 44 years of age
dc.subjectValidez Y Confiabilidad
dc.subjectVirus Del Papiloma Humano
dc.subjectEnfermedades De Transmision Sexual
dc.subjectPueblos Indigenas 
dc.titleValidez y confiabilidad de un formulario de recolección de datos sobre factores asociados a infección por virus del papiloma humano y enfermedades de transmisión sexual en mujeres de pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas Kychwa y Shuar del Ecuador, año 2016

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