dc.contributorZúñiga García, Daniela Estefanía
dc.creatorLazo Zhagui, Daniel Alonso
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this work was to obtain ethanol from corn starch (Zea Mays) zhima variety using diastatic malt. The purpose of this study was to provide another alternative use for corn that generates added value. The research was documentary, experimental and quantitative. A 2k experimental design was carried out to obtain glucose and ethanol that complies with NTE INEN 375 standards. The experimental phase was carried out in a pilot plant in the parish of San Andrés de Checa. Eight experiments were carried out, in each of which the conditions of temperature, saccharification time and malt concentration were modified, determining that the best experiment was experiment eight, whose conditions indicated that the ideal temperature, time and malt concentration are 70°C, 60 minutes and 30% w/w, respectively. The hydrolyzed wort was subjected to fermentation with the addition of active dry yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), citric acid as pH regulator, and as nutrients, phosphoric acid and ammonium sulfate. Subsequently, a simple double column distillation was carried out at a temperature of 78°C. A liquid chromatographic analysis showed a glucose concentration of 4898.94 mg/l; the ethanol analysis was carried out at MSV Laboratories, and the values for alcohol content, total acidity, higher alcohols, aldehydes, furfural and methanol were found to be within the permitted ranges. Therefore, it was demonstrated that it is possible to obtain ethanol using corn variety zhima and diastatic malt by applying an enzymatic hydrolysis process, obtaining as a result agricultural grade ethanol, which can be used in the production of high or low alcoholic beverages.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectIngeniería Química
dc.subjectBebidas alcohólicas
dc.titleObtención de etanol a partir de almidón de maíz (Zea Mays) variedad zhima empleando malta diastásica

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