dc.contributorCobos Cobos, Diego Fernando
dc.creatorCornejo Carvallo, María José
dc.creatorSoliz Farfán, Katherine Andrea
dc.description.abstractBackground: In the sports field, dynamic balance is very important; it provides stability through quick and coordinated responses to unexpected loads or movements. Furthermore, dynamic balance aids the optimal development of techniques-skills and reduces the risk of injury. Objective: To evaluate the level of dynamic balance in the Club Deportivo Cuenca women's first team, by applying the Y Balance Test. Cuenca, December 2019 - May 2020. Methodology: The study has been made with a quantitative and observational descriptive, prospective and cross-sectional approach in the athletes of Club Deportivo Cuenca women's first team. The dynamic balance level was evaluated by applying the Y Balance Test, and was related to variables such as age, BMI (body mass index), lower limb length, history of lower limb injuries, position on the playing field and laterality. The results are presented using frequency tables and graphs, with their percentages, measures of central tendency and dispersion. Results: According to the Y Balance Test, from the 25 evaluated, 68% (n = 17) presented moderate deficit, 24% (n = 6) slight deficit and 8% (n = 2) optimal dynamic equilibrium. Regarding the risk of injury, 68% (n = 17) of the population has a higher risk of suffering an injury, compared to 32% (n = 8). Conclusions: The majority of the study population 92% (n = 23) presented a balance deficit, especially a moderate deficit, a characteristic that predisposes players to have a higher risk of injury compared to those with less balance deficit. Keywords: Dynamic balance. Soccer. Y Balance Test. Injuries.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.subjectTerapia Física
dc.subjectFotbol femenino
dc.subjectDeportivo Cuenca
dc.subjectCantón Cuenca
dc.titleEquilibrio dinámico en el equipo de fútbol femenino de primera del club deportivo Cuenca. Cuenca, diciembre 2019–mayo 2020

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