dc.contributorVásquez Guevara, Denisse Elena
dc.creatorBarros Espinosa, Katherine Patricia
dc.description.abstractThe proposal of an “Integral Communication Plan for the Museo de Arte Moderno of Cuenca” far from being a simple graduation work, it is a successful proposal which it should be used by the mentioned institution in order to expand its reach in the city, the province, and the country. This monograph is based on the importance of the relation between the institution and the internal and external audiences. Indeed, now a days the companies in the city prefer to create communicative spaces in order to build strategies which allow to set up a positive harmony among the stake holders with the objective of accomplish the goals posed by the organization. In addition, it is important to recognize that with the studies done to the audiences of the modern art museum, it has known the needs, suggestions, observations and critics which the stakeholders have presented. This allows to propose right communicative strategies in this plan and to solve in the best manner certain failures both internal as external. Based on the surveys and research, it was observed that it is essential a Communication Unit within the organization that establishes tools and effective communication strategies in order to reach the major part of the internal audience and to the society in general in an external manner to the museum.
dc.subjectComunicacion Social
dc.subjectComunicacion Organizacional
dc.subjectEstrategias De Comunicacion
dc.subjectHerramientas De Comunicacion
dc.titlePropuesta de un plan de comunicación integral para el Museo de Arte Moderno de la ciudad de Cuenca

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