dc.contributorAuquilla Díaz, Nancy Eulalia
dc.creatorEspinoza Quezada, Jéssica Gabriela
dc.description.abstractCorrelational type research was carried out with a stratified random sample with proportional affixation, with the general objective that was to establish if there is a relationship between sexual education and emotional dependence in the affective-sexual relationships of the students of the University of Cuenca according to their gender. And the specific objectives were: Determine what is the sex education model that is most often related to emotional dependence in the students of the University of Cuenca. Describe the most prevalent sex education model that students of the University of Cuenca have received. And establish the relationship of emotional dependence in affective-sexual relationships with gender. The instruments used were two questionnaires: on emotional dependence and on sex education models. The data obtained were analyzed in the statistical program SPSS, obtaining as a result 68 students of the feminine gender with slight emotional dependence related to a model of revolutionary sexual education; and 43 male students with mild emotional dependence related to a revolutionary education model. The results are presented in statistical tables. As a general conclusion, it was possible to respond to all the objectives of the research through the descriptive analysis of the results obtained in the questionnaires.
dc.subjectDependencia Emocional
dc.subjectEducacion Sexual
dc.subjectOrientacion Sexual
dc.titleEducación sexual y dependencia emocional en las relaciones afectivo-sexuales de los universitarios

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