dc.description.abstract | The present work is a proposal for innovation, in relation to comprehensive sexual education as a transversal axis in Basic General Education. The purpose of this innovation proposal is to develop a didactic guide to work stereotypes and gender roles present in children and teachers of the 6th year of EGB of the educational unit "Gotitas de conocimiento". For the elaboration of the proposal, in the first place, a diagnosis was made through a survey to the children, and a survey and interview for the teacher. The instruments were raised based on six categories: body, social behavior, competencies and abilities, emotions, affective expression and social responsibility. Through these instruments, it was evidenced that both the students and the teacher present traditional stereotypes and gender roles. Subsequently, a conceptual framework was elaborated to explain the key concepts of this proposal that, in turn, allow us to understand the importance of teaching a comprehensive sexual education in EGB. Finally, a guide is presented with a sequence of activities based on the categories found in the diagnosis, which allow the approach and reflection of gender roles and stereotypes in boys and girls and in the teacher. | |