dc.contributorAlbuja Arias, Daniela Alexandra
dc.creatorOrdoñez Guillca, Elizabeth Guadalupe
dc.creatorVintimilla Zhingre, Gabriela Beatríz
dc.description.abstractIn the present study, there is a proposal for an Environmental Management Plan for the Quituiña Lagoon. It is located in the Paccha parish, and it is a basic and important water resource for the community. Therefore, that is a vulnerable to anthropogenic contamination, for that reason, environmental measures were proposed to its conservation, since there is a danger that it will disappear due to the activities carried out by the human being. Information is compiled with a base line, which allows us to know the current situation of the Quituiña lagoon, which includes a biophysical, socio-economic and cultural diagnosis. Subsequently, the Environmental Impact Matrix was applied, a methodology belonging to Vicente Conesa Fernández - Vitora (1997), with which the most significant negative environmental risks were identified. Finally, known and evaluated the negative environmental problems, it was programmed and made a citizen participation was carried out with the population of the community of Quituiña and representatives of the parish GAD of Paccha, in order to elaborate the Environmental Management Plan that will mitigate and prevent the problems.
dc.subjectIngeniería Ambiental
dc.subjectManejo ambiental
dc.subjectMedio ambiente
dc.subjectImpacto ambiental
dc.subjectParroquia Paccha
dc.subjectGobierno Autónomo Descentralizado
dc.titlePlan de manejo de la laguna de Quituiña ubicada en la parroquia Paccha, Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador

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