dc.contributorCobos Bermeo, Nelson Albino
dc.creatorQuinde Tenesaca, Edisson Patricio
dc.description.abstractDance contributes to the physical and physiological state of a person through acquiring the development of basic skills and abilities, so that a study was carried out with the aim of determining the variability of intensity and energy expenditure in the different autochthonous rhythms of National folk dance in the Yawarkanchik group. Through a correlational descriptive study, effected at 8 professional dancers of the group, 4 female and 4 male with an age range between 18-30 years ± 24.62, the intensity was analyzed respect to the increase in the percentage of FC, perceived exertion and energy expenditure based on MET. The statistical analysis was carried out using Excel and the statistical program SPSS version 20.0. This study was carried out with 8 professional dancers of the group, 4 female and 4 male, with an age range between 18-30 years ± 24.62. The intensity concerning the increase in the % of FC, the one with the greatest demand was the Sierra Rhythm with an average of 59.75% ± 10.3, the low demand the Costa Rhythm with 50.75% ± 15.6, and the Oriente Rhythm of medium demand with 54.50% ± 18.5. The perceived effort with the highest demand was the Sierra Rhythm with 7 ± 0.64, the low demand was the Costa Rhythm with 4 ± 0.46, the medium demand was the Oriente Rhythm with 6 ± 0.74. Regarding energy expenditure, the one with the highest expenditure was the Sierra Rhythm with an average of 31.62 kcal. ± 5.52, the one with the low cost was the Costa Rhythm of 27.29 kcal. ± 4.76, and of medium expenditure was the Oriente Rhythm of 28.60 kcal. ± 4.97. It is concluded that the Sierra Rhythm is the one with the highest intensity and with a medium-high energy consumption in reference to the other rhythms
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectCultura Física
dc.subjectDanza Tradicional
dc.subjectGasto energético
dc.titleVariabilidad de la intensidad y el gasto energético en los diferentes ritmos autóctonos de la danza folklórica nacional, en el grupo Yawarkanchik, Cuenca 2020

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