dc.contributorCarrión Ordóñez, Augusto Alonso
dc.creatorÁvila Calle, Mayra Patricia
dc.description.abstractThe present project generates a tourist accommodation - hostel in an existing house, for this it analyzes and studies the place to intervene using elements and spaces that must have, in addition modern materials and finishes typical of the area are used according to the municipal ordinance of the Canton Paute. To carry out the project, a graphic and theoretical investigation of the different spaces that the building must have as private areas, social areas and recreation areas belonging to the categorization of the inn is carried out. In addition, it studies the ergonomics and spatial anthropometry of each space especially in bedrooms, reception, hallways, bathrooms, corridors and recreational areas both for people with special abilities and for the rest of the people. At the same time the thermal, light, chromatic comfort and materials that can be applied in each of the areas are studied, all this research is carried out in the first chapter. Then, a study of the existing place in the Paute canton is carried out, where the planimetry, photographic record is presented and the current state of each of the houses is analyzed in order to rescue some parts of it. On the other hand, a study of two counterparts is carried out to help us identify possible solutions and generate ideas for the project, an aesthetic and a functional one is analyzed, mainly to see the spatial distribution of areas, circulation, color, style and use of materials. In this way, an optimal design proposal is generated for the client, adapting the place to each of the guidelines and regulations to follow, for the total compression of the project, each of the necessary technical specifications such as 2D and 3D and budget will be taken total.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectDiseño de Interiores
dc.subjectCantón Paute
dc.titleRediseño y cambio de uso de vivienda a hostería en el cantón Paute

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