dc.description.abstract | With the development of this project will provide information necessary to identify and evaluate techniques for recording jaw relationships, oral rehabilitation relevant procedure for obtaining a precise occlusion. Given that, the correct uses of the techniques reduce intraoral adjustments and therefore the surgical time, as well as patient comfort, while maintaining a stable relationship skeletal muscle. (Squier 2004).
Given the existence of different materials and instruments, science has tried to minimize this discrepancy own materials and standardized protocols for operators and get predictable results.
In this project we review basic concepts for making or recording jaw relations and their application in different clinical cases, with the proper use of the articulator mounting techniques models and bite registration.
Intermaxillary relations are three-dimensional, position variations can occur in the vertical, horizontal and sagittal, and records must be able to reproduce it, however, to relate the upper and lower dental models, the final accuracy depends on the dimensional stability of materials.(Prasad2011).
This test is performed in order to implement a registration protocol Oral Rehabilitation patients and create awareness about the recording techniques jaw relationships and their impact on the outcome of treatment, which also values the importance of using instruments that facilitate communication dental technician on the status and relationship of the jaws, considering that this registration is made after having found and specified the stable skeletal muscle | |