The impact of the dual educational model on the student's professional training [O impacto do modelo educacional dual na formação profissional do aluno] [El impacto del modelo educativo dual en la formación profesional del estudiante]
2020Registro en:
Flores Sanchez, Gustavo Geovanni
Vigier, Hernán Pedro
This research has the objective of studying the impact of dual training, a form of educational innovation of teaching and learning that takes place in two different and complementary places (the classroom and the company), in the training of professionals and their insertion in the labor market. This study assumes a quasi-experimental cross section. For the estimation of the impact the Propensity Score Matching was used, which also uses three algorithms: the nearest neighbor, the radio and the kernel matching, and, the analysis of regression scores as well. The two approaches: Propensity Score Matching and regression score analysis, as in the three algorithms, give solid results as a contribution it was evidenced that the graduates who participate in the dual program have a significantly higher salary ($ 275.00 USD) and a shorter time (2 months 20 days) in inserting in the labor market with respect to those who did not receive the program (Traditional model)