dc.contributorParra Parra, Jorge Leonidas
dc.creatorLópez López, Johana Cristina
dc.creatorMora López, Erica Estefanía
dc.description.abstractBackground: For many elderly people in our country, abuse is part of their daily lives. The surprising thing is that they do not realize that this is the case, since violence takes different forms that manifest physically, psychologically or privately in general terms. Objective: To determine the self-perception on the violence suffered by the elderly of El Valle parish. Methodology: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, with238 older adults registered in the Situational Guide of the Health Center of El Valle Parish, Cuenca. The Geriatric Scale of Abuse to the Elderly was applied. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 19.0 for Windows. Results: Predominated slightly the women, aged 70 to 84 years, residing in rural areas. 52% were married (as). Around 50% had a primary level of instruction. 11.8% reported some type of physical abuse at home and 10.9% on the community. Psychological violence at the household level is very marked; more than 25% raised it. The domestic violence was more common in the subjects with smaller level of instruction, while the communal violence was more tagged in men. Conclusions: In the study, 37.8% of the older adults surveyed received some type of violence or abuse, either in the home (almost a third) or by the community (close to 15%)
dc.subjectAdulto Mayor
dc.subjectAdulto Mayor Maltratado
dc.titleAutopercepción sobre la violencia sufrida por los adultos mayores de la parroquia el Valle. Cuenca 2017

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