dc.contributorMaldonado Rivera, Jaime Eduardo
dc.creatorCastro Guaman, Walter Efraín
dc.description.abstractThe present study was made to determine if the vaccination with bovine virus herpes type 1(HVB-1) such as prophylaxis for the infectious bovine rhinotracheitis has an effect about some characteristics anatomical and endocrinologic of the corpus luteum in mestizo Holstein heifers in the Ecuadorian Amazon of different cattle ranches in Saint Claire City, Pastaza province. It determines the corpus luteum diameter in differents developing phases using trans-rectal ultrasound and the concentration of progesterone in the blood, by enzimatic immunoassay in the Biomicrovet veterinarian clinic laboratory. Sixty heifers were used shared in three groups of 20 animals for the application of alive virus vaccine Cattlemaster(T2), a death virus Hiprovis-4(T3) and without immunogenetic (T1). For the experiment management all the groups were subjected synchronizing protocol with progestogen and estradiol. Meaninful statistics differences were observed in the average diameter of the corpu luteum at the 12 and 18 days, being stil far the treatment 1 witness (26,5 mm and 29,9 mm) respectevely continued of the treatment 2 alive virus with (19,5mm and 17,9mm) and the treatment 3 death virus with (19,2mm and 17,9mm). The blood concentration of progesterone was statistically higher to the 12 and 18 days post- treatment in the treatment 1 witness (5,1 and 5,7 ng/dl) followed for thebtreatment 2 alive virus (3,2 and 2,8 ng/dl) and the treatment 3 death virus (3,1 and 2,8 ng/dl) and there is not differen statistically value in the 3 treatments in study. To vaccinate the animals with bovine virus herpes type 1 has effects above the early development of corpus luteum in heifers, it was found that the blood progesterone concentration varied significantly in the present investigative work.
dc.subjectCuerpos Luteo
dc.subjectVacunacion Ibr
dc.subjectEstudios Epidemiologicos
dc.subjectHerpes Virus Bovino
dc.subjectMaestria En Reproduccion Animal
dc.titleEfecto de la vacunación a IBR con virus vivo y muerto, sobre las características anatómicas y endocrinológicas del cuerpo lúteo en novillas Holstein mestizas.

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