dc.contributorMorocho Malla, Manuel Ismael
dc.contributorMorocho Malla, Manuel Ismael
dc.creatorVanegas Ortíz, Germán Augusto
dc.creatorVelecela Abambari, José Vinicio
dc.creatorYanza Lliguicota, Angel Grabriel
dc.description.abstractAIM: To determine the prevalence of the students’ anxious - depressive disorders in the Daniel Córdova Toral High School from 8 to 10th year of basic during the school year 2011-2012. Reseach methods and materials: A quantitative descriptive research was conducted; the sample was of 431 students from 8 to 10th of the basic education. They were students from 11 to 17 years of age. Data collection instrument was a questionnaire whose results were obtained by direct survey and analyzed using the Excel software. Findings and discussion: The results derived from the analysis of the data collected from the questionnaires are the following: depression 14,8%, anguish 25.4%, psychosis 47.3%, consumption of alcohol 17.8 %, and antisocial behaviour 41.3 %. Statistics show us the major frequency is between the ages of 15 and 17 years representing 74 students, distributed in the following way: depression 16,2 %, anguish 28.4%, psychosis 52.7%, consumption of alcohol 25.7%, and antisocial behaviour 43.2 %. Moreover, the findings obtained from the students between the ages of 11 and 14 years representing a smaller sample of 357 students we obtained the following results: depression 17%, anguish 23.2%, psychosis 46.2%, consumption of alcohol 16% and 36.4% anti-social behaviour. As regards the year of basic education: the 8th had depression 16,7 %, 9th 28.3 % of anguish, of psychosis and a 45.7 of antisocial behaviour, and finally in the 10th year around the 22.1 % had consumed alcohol. Conclusion: The results of the study show that the largest number of ansioso-depresivos disorders lies in the 9th year of basic education, followed by eighth. By contrast, we can find that the tenth year of basic education has the minor frequency than the others two years of basic education.
dc.subjectTrastornos De Ansiedad
dc.subjectColegio Daniel Cordova Toral
dc.titlePrevalencia de trastornos ansioso-depresivos en estudiantes del ciclo básico del Colegio Técnico Daniel Córdova Toral. en la Ciudad de Cuenca durante el año 2011

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