dc.description.abstract | The present work is a research to know the parameters of the
intervention proposal for the Narváez Ordóñez family’s house,
located in Cuenca city, which is looking for a change of use
to a Dental Center. For this purpose, issues of functionality,
chromatics, lighting, ergonomics and anthropometry are
investigated, in order to know how this type of space works,
dedicated to oral health and adapted to the needs of doctors
and users.
Having clarified the necessary concepts and the verification
of compliance with municipal requirements to change the use
of housing, an analysis of the property is made by means of
a plan metric survey and photographic record; counterparts
are analyzed, deepening issues of dimension and circulation,
zoning, materiality, chromatic palettes and conceptualization,
which will be taken as a reference for this proposal.
Once the general problem of the project has been identified,
the one that refers to the fear that many patients have of
going to the dentist, we proceed to investigate the causes
and benefits of the application of interior design to combat it,
thus generating a design concept based on nature, inspired
by El Cajas, as a means of relaxation and a tool to overcome
fear. From this local landscape, the chromatics, materiality
and morphology are extracted, elaborating an interior design
proposal capable of responding to the needs of its owners and
future users. | |