dc.contributorLucio Bravo, Miriam Alexandra
dc.creatorLópez Gualpa, Elizabeth Lucía
dc.creatorReinoso Cartagena, Susana Isabel
dc.description.abstractBACKGROUND: The filial maternal link between the mother and her child through breastfeeding is essential is to enhance the biopsychosocial neurodevelopment of the newborn while satisfying their needs and adapting to the environment. The present research evaluated primiparous puerperal women of Hospital General Homero Castanier Crespo through the Breastfeeding Self Efficacy Scale – Short Form. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of the maternal filial link of primiparous puerperal women during exclusive breastfeeding of the newborn in Hospital General Homero Castanier Crespo. Azogues, 2019. METHODOLOGY: Descriptive, prospective and transversal research. Evaluations were carried out on primiparous puerperal women of the Hospital General Homero Castanier Crespo in Azogues, through the Breastfeeding Self Efficacy Scale – Short Form. Data were entered and analyzed using the SPSS 22 program, represented in frequency statistics and data tabulation with percentages. RESULTS: The 108 women participated in the investigation, obtained as results: a high level of maternal efficiency with 81.5%. Being the age predominant between 18 to 35 years with 74.1%, the marital status of unmarried couple 46.3%, high school level education 57.4%, residence in the urban area 51.9%, eutocic birth with 56.5% and immediate or late breastfeeding in less than an hour 86.1%. Also only 5.5% obtained a low level of filial maternal link.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.subjectEstimulación Temprana en Salud
dc.subjectPuérperas primíparas
dc.titleEficacia del vínculo materno filial de las puérperas primíparas durante la lactancia exclusiva del neonato. Hospital General Homero Castanier Crespo. Azogues, 2019

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