dc.contributorMora Tola, Juan Diego
dc.contributorMosquera Vallejo, Lorena Elizabeth
dc.creatorContreras García, Karina Noemí
dc.creatorPazán Morales, Lidia Alejandra
dc.description.abstractGeneral Objective: To establish the prevalence of bone and structural deformities in patients with diabetic foot attending the outpatient area of Traumatology at the Vicente Corral Moscoso Regional Hospital during a period of three months. Methodology: Descriptive study done in 100 diabetic foot patients who attended the outpatient clinic of Traumatology for a period of three months. The method of research was direct observation; techniques included interviews, evaluation by plantoscopia and radiographic evaluation, the instruments used were forms, data after validation was entered into a database in V15 of SPSS program; whereby analysis was done using simple tables with percentages and relative frequencies. Results: The average age was 64,09 years with 84% of the female population; the condition is characterized by the presence of calluses with 62%; metatarsalgia (metatarsal pain) 57%; heel pain 48% and bunion pain 21%. Taking in consideration the radiological parameters 71% was diagnosed with hallux valgus; 56% with toe deformities claw; 34% flatfoot; 31% hammertoes; 30% Tailor bunionette; 16% hallux rigidus and 13% with arched feet. The evaluation by plantoscopía revealed 39% of flatfoot patients and 17% with arched feet. Conclusion: The prevalence of bone and structural deformities was high which increases the likelihood of developing ulcers
dc.subjectPie Diabetico
dc.subjectDeformidades Del Pie
dc.subjectHallux Valgus
dc.subjectHallux Rigidus
dc.subjectPie Plano
dc.subjectPie Cavo
dc.subjectDeformidades De Los Dedos
dc.titlePrevalencia de las deformidades óseas y estructurales en pacientes con pie diabético que acuden al área de consulta externa de traumatología del Hospital Regional Vicente Corral Moscoso, Cuenca-Ecuador 2015

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