dc.contributorEcheverria Marín, Santiago Andrés
dc.contributorOrellana Cabrera, Iván Eladio
dc.creatorVillamar Cabrera, Sandra Priscila
dc.description.abstractObjective: To evaluate the frequency of the bacterial vaginosis and associate factors, in the patients assisted in the external Consultation of the Hospital Darío Machuca Palacios, of the City of Troncal, in the period understood among May 2010 to September 2010 Materials and methods: Study type: It is about a study of traverse court that looks for to determine the frequency of the bacterial vaginosis and associate factors, in a period of one year among May 2010 to September 2010. Universe: The entire patient one assisted in the External Consultation of Gynecology of the Hospital Darío Palacios of the canton Crushes Troncal It shows: He/she conformed to of 544 patients among 15 and 45 years , and detected in the external consultation of the Hospital Darío Palacios. Results: The prevalence of bacterial vaginosis was 32.9%. 40.3% ranged in age from 21 to 30 years. 66.7% had a marital union. The highest prevalence was found in women who had at least 2 sexual partners, including the vaginosis was 17.05 times more prevalent than in those who had only one sexual partner or without. As obstetrician-obstetrical history inwomen with a history of up to 2 cesarean deliveries and also 2 more than 2pregnancies, vaginosis was significantly more prevalent. The RP was 3.09, 2.4 and2.02 respectively. In women who started their sexual life to more than 19 years vaginosiswas 2.8 times more prevalent. 66.7% performed vaginal douching, conducting more than two per week douche and life sexual more of 19 years is more prevalence. The RP was 1.8 and 2.8 respectively and the association was significant. Conclusions: this study found Association of bacterial vaginosis with some of the above-mentioned factors such as marital status union libre by 62,8 per cent; pregnancy 24.1%; the realization of more than two vaginal douching 39,6%; having two or more sexual partners 84.9% and the home of more than 19 years 53.8% sex life. Words key: leucorrea, bacterial vaginosis, vaginitis, vaginal flow
dc.subjectVaginosis Bacteriana
dc.subjectFactores De Riesgo
dc.subjectDucha Vaginal
dc.subjectConducta Sexual
dc.subjectGardenerella Vaginalis
dc.titlePrevalencia de vaginosis bacteriana y factores asociados en pacientes atendidos en la consulta externa del Hospital Darío Machuca Palacios. La Troncal 2010

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