dc.contributorGuamán Bautista, Jéssica Maritza
dc.creatorFernández Merchán, Jorge Esteban
dc.creatorMuñoz Guamaní, Henry Patricio
dc.description.abstractThe intervention project proposes the development of a recipe book in which Japanese and Ecuadorian techniques merge in order to achieve a new gastronomic style that can be used in the future in a restaurant and that impacts the cultural field through the use of both Ecuadorian and Japanese products applied to reprehensive dishes from Ecuador. The fusion of the techniques and products of both countries are the result of years of cultural development, added to the ingredients of each country that evolved according to the environment in which they were giving a unique flavor, color, smell and texture to each product. Among the ingredients to be applied in the recipe book stand out, the nori seaweed, dashi broth, mirin, tofu, goat meat, boiled corn, toasted corn, soy, beef tripe, lamb blood, among others, which subjected to Ecuadorian and Japanese techniques respectively selected modern recipes will be created with new flavors, aromas, textures and presentations, evoking the essence of East and West in the same dish. Avant-garde cuisine makes it possible to prepare modern recipes maximizing traditional flavors and creating new ones, thus allowing a new option in the usual diet and leaving a precedent for future new creations, as long as they maintain a harmony between the visual and the gustatory. Keywords: Avant-garde. Fusion. Japan. Ecuador. Techniques.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectTécnicas culinarias
dc.subjectCocina experimental
dc.titlePropuesta de desarrollo de recetas de cocina experimental y vanguardia, mediante la fusión de técnicas culinarias de la cocina japonesa y ecuatoriana

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