dc.contributorHidalgo Leoman, Clavijo Campos
dc.contributorCharry Ramírez, José Ricardo
dc.creatorArias Sánchez, Pedro Pablo
dc.creatorTorres Ortiz, Verónica Katherine
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Diverticulosis is inflammation of diverticulum occurs when there is thinning and breakdown of the diverticular wall, becoming an important cause of morbidity and mortality. The World Gastroenterology Organization states that a global population with diverticular disease approaches 45% and the 25% manifest as diverticulitis. Objective: To determine the prevalence of acute diverticulitis and therapeutic management trends in the José Carrasco Arteaga Cuenca Hospital between: January 2010 - December 2014. Material and Methods: A descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study; consisting all cases of acute diverticulitis in the Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga recorded in medical records between January 2010 and December 2014. The software used for analysis was Microsoft Excel, used statistics were frequencies, percentages, averages, standard deviation and reasons. Results: The prevalence of acute diverticulitis was 71% of hospital admissions; with a mean age of 64.7 years, ±15.5, a ratio of 3:2 men/women respectively; Total acute diverticulitis was 22.86% and 77.14% of uncomplicated. Clinical management was performed to 81.43%. Depending on the scale of Hinchey: 100% of uncomplicated cases were staged as grade I, compared with complicated cases where 6.25% was classified as grade I, 25% 68.75% grade II and grade III. Conclusions: The prevalence was higher than expected according to global statistics, it is important to do TC to patients with suggestive symptoms, and use Hinchey’s classification to determine the treatment
dc.subjectDiverticulitis Del Colon
dc.subjectEnfermedades Del Colon
dc.subjectEnfermedades Intestinales
dc.subjectEstudios Transversales
dc.titlePrevalencia de diverticulitis aguda y tendencias en su manejo terapeútico. Hospital José Carrasco Artega, Cuenca. 2010-2014

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