dc.contributorDelgado Noboa, Jorge Washington
dc.creatorAltamirano Samaniego, José Ricardo
dc.creatorPortilla Farez, Jenny Lorena
dc.description.abstractThe constant exhausting of non-renewable fuels has been placed to the investigation of new processes for the production of ethanol in order to compensate the world demand for bioethanol, therefore, in the present study, the main objective was to obtain bioethanol by enzymatic and acid hydrolysis from sweet potato starch, being the independent variables such as: starch concentration and alpha amylase enzyme. The variables studied were: starch yield and hydrolysis time with hydrochloric and citric acids, as well as enzymatic hydrolysis time; These two were selected because they directly affect the amount of sugars formed, which will be used by yeasts to later obtained ethyl alcohol. The parameters to considered are: ° Brix and pH. Obtaining alcohol was carried out in three stages. The first one was to obtained sweet potato starch (Ipomoea batata), achieving a production of 74, 27 %. In the second stage, the starch obtained was subjected to gelatinization, after cooling, we submit it to hydrolysis with hydrochloric and citric acids, and also make the same thing for the enzymatic hydrolysis, to convert the starch into glucose and compare between them. The third stage was fermentation which lasted 72 hours straight, all the experiences remained in fermentation for the same time, to be able to appreciate the variations that occur both in ° Brix and pH. Through a statistical analysis of the results, it determinate that the best treatment is to use the acid route. From the experience given, it can be seen that we obtained a higher alcoholic degree by using enzymatic hydrolysis, which result is 32°GL. Finally, it can be told that is possible to obtain ethanol from the acidic and enzymatic hydrolysis of sweet potato starch
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectIngeniería Química
dc.subjectAlcohol etílico
dc.titleEvaluación del proceso de obtención de etanol a partir de almidón de camote (Ipomoea batatas L), mediante métodos de hidrólisis ácida y enzimática, a escala de laboratorio

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