dc.description.abstract | The section of the Tomebamba River near the Jefferson Pérez Coliseum, in Cuenca city, has been
considered one of the areas of greatest vulnerability to flooding, both in studies carried out and based
on events that occurred. Thanks to technological progress, numerical modeling has been considered as
the fastest and cheapest alternative to carry out this type of project. Two-dimensional numerical
modeling is the most widely used for flood simulation. This degree work aims to study the river
dynamics of the aforementioned sector, based on a two-dimensional model, Iber. For this, it is divided
into two stages, the first, with a hydrological approach to obtain the design flows of the return periods
of 20, 50 and 100 years, using the HEC-HMS program, and the second, emphasizes in the hydraulic part
where the simulation is performed with the internal resolution of the Saint Venant 2D equation in the
Iber program, using the finite volume method. For which, input parameters such as boundary conditions,
Manning roughness coefficients and topography are entered. Finally, the results of the simulation with
these flood flows are presented in the numerical model, in which the values of the draft and speed
variables are analyzed, in order to prevent the safety of the population. | |