dc.contributorSucozhañay Calle, Dolores Catalina
dc.creatorÁvila Maxi, David Fernando
dc.creatorVidal Méndez, María Isabel
dc.description.abstractThe non-reporting of the crime is a public problem in terms of citizen security, as it implies that crimes committed in a society are not registered in official sources, which is why they are unnoticed by both authorities and security institutions, as well as by the community itself. Citizenship; Thus, it causes the naturalization of the crime, leaving the measures to counteract insecurity without a positive effect. The objective of this study is to analyze the behaviors, actions and social constructions that lead people not to report a crime, from a sociological approach in an urban and rural parish of the Cuenca canton. The methodological approach used is qualitative and its design is a case study. The data obtained through interviews, non-participant observation, and secondary information to perform an analysis of people's discourse on not reporting the crime. The results indicate that crimes occur according to the place and how it is built in each territory; likewise, the distribution of urban and rural areas ratifies social inequality and opportunities in each territory in access to security services. People take into consideration the risks involved in reporting crimes and examine whether they will obtain a positive response from security institutions, because the perception of said institutions is deficient, increasing a negative meaning towards the justice service, since more and more people share that meaning
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectDerechos Humanos
dc.subjectSeguridad ciudadana
dc.subjectCantón Cuenca
dc.titleLa no denuncia del delito: un análisis sociológico a través de un estudio de caso en una parroquia urbana y una parroquia rural del cantón Cuenca, periodo 2019

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