dc.contributorVillavicencio Caparó, Ebingen
dc.creatorNiemes Palacios, Gabriela Katiuska
dc.description.abstractBackground: The relationship between periodontal biotype and periodontal disease has been reported, with recessions in the thin periodontal biotype and the formation of periodontal pockets in the thick biotype. Objective: To analyze the frequency of the periodontal biotype and the relationship with periodontal disease in pregraduated students of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Cuenca 2018. Methods: An analytical descriptive study was carried out in 304 patients, students of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Cuenca, analyzed the demographic and clinical characteristics including the periodontal status. The association between the variables studied was evaluated using the chi square test, the ORs were calculated and the values lower than p = 0.05 were considered significant. Results: The percentage of periodontal disease found in the evaluated population is 59.5% (Gingivitis 41.78%, Periodontitis 17.8%). The most prevalent periodontal biotype was the normal or intermediate 69% biotype followed by the gross biotype 22% and thin 9%. No statistically significant association of biotype and periodontal disease could be found in relation to sex and age. Conclusions: A large distribution of a third periodontal biotype was found in the studied population. Although the relationship between biotype and periodontal disease could not be confirmed, it was possible to associate the thin biotype with an increased risk for the development of recessions
dc.subjectEnfermedad Periodontal
dc.subjectRecesiones Gingivales
dc.titleFrecuencia del biotipo periodontal y la relación con la enfermedad periodontal en estudiantes de pregrado de la facultad de odontología de la Universidad de Cuenca 2018

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