dc.contributorGonzález Martínez, Santiago Renán
dc.creatorLima Huayllas, Eduardo Alejandro
dc.creatorParapi Patiño, Guido Fernando
dc.description.abstractThe present thesis focuses on analyzing the problem regarding comfort levels of the cyclist. The monitoring is carried out using the IoT technologies. This technological proposal focuses on the collection of data regarding the physical and environmental state of bicycle lanes, where variables to be captured are: the state of the bike lane, the level of environmental pollution in the area, the ability to maneuver available to the cyclist and the noise levels perceived by the cyclist regard to vehicular traffic. The state of the bike lane will be analyzed according to the vibration levels that experiences the cyclist during the trajectory. The level of environmental pollution in the area will be measured using the increase in volume in ppm of CO2 which is one of the gases with the greatest presence in the emissions of internal combustion vehicles and the volume in μg/m3 of the presence of the particulate material with diameter aerodynamic between 2.5 microns and 10 microns and less than 2.5 microns. It should be noted that the first correspond to coarse particles generated by mechanical processes such as construction sites , the suspension of dust and wind, while the latter are fine particles generated by any combustion source, these are the most dangerous for the health of the person. The ability to maneuver available to the cyclist will be measured by the separation between the center frame of the bicycle and a possible lateral obstacle (e.g. vehicles, people, walls, other cyclists etc). Specifically, our technological proposal consists whit creation of a mobile station, which It will integrate different sensors to capture the mentioned variables. The station will have connection to the Internet using the mobile network, allowing in this way to track the data captured by the rider and his position in real time, as well as storing the recorded data throughout to whole route. In addition, a video will be saved locally for each route that later can be transferred to an external storage device freeing the station memory, with this system a security backup will be provided against possible adverse events that the cyclist could suffer from. Additionally, two types of application are implemented that allow you to view and interact with the data recorded by the station, one of them being mobile application for devices with Android operating system and another a multiplatform web application. In each of them you can view active users in real time and the values captured by cyclist, as well as also, they allow the review of all stored routes and their respective associated values. Finally, an analysis of the behavior of the station is shown, in terms of performance in data capture for each of the variables; processor load and temperature settings central, as well as the energy consumption used by the station. On the other hand, it is also analyzes the parameters corresponding to the mobile network that affect the transmission of data, being these are the throughput, delay and data loss due to intermittent network. The performance of the station is analyzed in several routes integrated by different types of bike lanes (shared, segregated, integrated, reserved and cycle-path).
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectCantón Cuenca
dc.titleTecnologías IoT aplicadas a la monitorización de ciclovías en la ciudad de Cuenca

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