dc.contributorClavijo Morocho, Nube Janeth
dc.contributorSánchez Campoverde, Diana Esther
dc.creatorVerdugo Flores, Dayana Belén
dc.creatorVerdugo Flores, Mayra Elizabeth
dc.description.abstractBackground: In the university stage young people have marked nutritional needs, since in their daily routine there are disorders in the schedules to consume their food, do not eat a good breakfast, nor the meals at specific times, cause diseases such as overweight, obesity eating disorders, cardiovascular diseases among others. Objective: To determine the knowledge and practices about eating habits in students of the Cuenca Nursing Career, 2017. Materials and Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional cohort study was carried out, with a sample of 255 nursing students. As a technique was used the filling of a survey of the authors Rodríguez E, Holmes R. Knowledge and practices on nutrition, health and exercise in university students in Medellín-Colombia, modified and adapted by the authors. Results: It was that the university students do not have a correct knowledge on how to take a balanced diet, 25.5% think that the hamburgers, salchipapas, would contribute to a good state of health, all this is caused by bad practices and eating habits 55.3% sometimes eat breakfast in their homes while 7.1% never do, some of them prefer 6.7% ingesting chips, 28.6% frying, 52.2% choosing artificial juices or refreshments, 10.6% energizing, while 30.6% eat in the street consume considerable amounts of sugars during the day, when students arrive from the university at home 46.3% do not finish all their lunch , adding to this 34.1% never engage in physical activity. Conclusion: The study concluded that there is no adequate knowledge on the part of nursing students, they also have bad practices and unhealthy diets, inadequate distribution of meals during the day and poor eating habits such as not having breakfast, do not eat lunch, eat on the street and lack of physical activity
dc.subjectHabitos Alimenticios
dc.titleConocimientos y prácticas sobre los hábitos alimenticios en los estudiantes de la Carrera de Enfermería, Cuenca, 2017

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