dc.creatorBarreto Andrade, Jorge Antonio
dc.creatorVillarroya Aparicio, Adoración
dc.creatorContreras Calle, Wilson Teodoro
dc.creatorBrito Vasquez, Vicente Enrique
dc.creatorLoaiza Dávila, Lenin Esteban
dc.description.abstractRace walking is intended to move the body as fast as possible while maintaining similar to those of the normal gait characteristics due to the requirements and restrictions of the regulations. This, together with the search for speed, makes the gait pattern, seen externally, appears uncomfortable, forced and unnatural. Hence, it is known the bad support made by marchers and frequent injuries suffered in the feet, and according to several authors, the distribution of the forces of each segment of the foot and the floor influences disorders thereof. At work eight marchers participated (4 men and 4 women) with a mean age of 21.63 years (± 4.24), with the purpose of analyzing the plantar support during the race walking. To register pressures portable system for static and dynamic analysis of foot support, PDM 240. The pressures were recorded during normal march and race-walking in 20m sections and values​​of the 7 central cycles were averaged. During normal march, the pressure peaks are higher than in subjects not marchers, shifting pressure towards the outer zone, suggesting that this activity has also modified its normal way of walking. In race walking, there are significantly higher peak pressure during normal driving, especially in the hind foot and forefoot smaller, more displacement of these to external radios, 4th and 5th metatarsal.
dc.sourceLecturas: Educación Física y Deportes
dc.subjectPresiones plantares
dc.subjectMarcha atlética
dc.subjectMarcha normal
dc.titleBiomecánica marcha atlética. Análisis presiones plantares durante su desarrollo, revisión actualizada

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