dc.contributorMuñoz Pauta, Marco Antonio
dc.creatorDuchi Villa, Luis Marcelo
dc.creatorYumbla Arévalo, David Fernando
dc.description.abstractThe person deprived of freedom forms a significant role in the future of the Ecuadorian society, because posterior to their process of social rehabilitation, they return to the social, economical and productive sphere; it is why it’s necessary to examine the difficulties that the person deprived of freedom faces in their social reintegration stage: to know how this particular population group receives the support from society, family and friends after completing their sentence or being released early from the rehabilitation center due to the benefits of rehabilitative incarceration and how this social support received allows for a right adaptation to their immediate environment. The objective was set to: explore the social support received by the people deprived of freedom under the semi open regime of the Social Rehabilitation Center of Macas; recognize the types of social support received: instrumental, emotional and informational that identify from people deprived of freedom inside the semi open regime; and analyze how the social support received by the people deprived of freedom inside the semi open regime influences the process of social rehabilitation, during the period 2020-2021. The current investigation, of qualitative research, utilizes the phenomenological design and semi-structured interview as an information gathering technique and the participation of 9 males that left the Social Rehabilitation Center of Macas in the last 6 months. Real information was gathered from the experiences that people deprived of freedom face during their return to their immediate surroundings or microsystem: family, friends and neighbors. Likewise, it is evident that there are community and individual risk factors like social etiquettes and self perceptions that prevents the participants from fitting in and feeling comfortable in their environment. This research aims to help the continuous development of public policies, to create coping strategies during this drastic climate change; and to bring awareness to every reader about the social aspects that a person deprived of freedom could go through.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectPsicología Social
dc.subjectRehabilitación social
dc.subjectPrivados de libertad
dc.subjectCantón Morona
dc.titleApoyo social recibido en las personas privadas de la libertad dentro del régimen semiabierto del centro de rehabilitación social Macas en el período 2020-2021

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