dc.contributorVillota Cardoso, Pablo Giovanni
dc.contributorTenezaca Tacuri, Ángel Hipólito
dc.creatorHerrera Maldonado, César Oswaldo
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: The conversion of laparoscopic cholecystectomy to conventional surgery occurs for different reasons which represent an increase in the hospital stay and morbidity (14). The conversion rate worldwide is 7-12% (20). Objective: To determine the frequency of laparoscopic conversion and the most frequent causes in patients with laparoscopic cholecystectomy at Hospital Paute, 2014. Materials and Methods: It is a descriptive study. The data analysis was performed using SPSS 22 program and it is presented in frequency tables, percentage, value of P = <0.05 Odd Ratio (OR) with confidence interval (CI) of 95%. Results: The prevalence of conversion is 19.5% with an average age of 39.54 +/- standard deviation (SD) of 16,297; by age group: 77.8%, it is between 20-60 years. The 16.1% are female and 3.4% male. The preoperative diagnosis was cholelithiasis (57.9%) and acute cholecystitis (31%). The postoperative diagnosis was cholelithiasis (51.7%) and acute cholecystitis (32.2%). The most frequent causes of conversion: 5.0% severe inflammation; adhesions 4.2% and anatomical identification difficulty 3.4%. The longer operating time of 60 minutes was 43.3%. The 37.9% was for females and 5.4% for males. With an OR = 1.042, it means that more than 60 minutes in females´ surgical time, has 1,042 times greater risk of conversion that patients with less surgical time of 60 minutes, but the p-value is not statistically significant.
dc.subjectColecistectomia Y Laparoscopica
dc.subjectDificultad Quirurgica
dc.subjectSangrado Intraoperatorio
dc.titleFrecuencia y causas de conversión de colecistectomía laparóscopica en el Hospital Cantonal de Paute.2014

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