dc.contributorGonzález Loyola, Pablo Arturo
dc.creatorPesántez Sigüenza, Andrea Verónica
dc.creatorLuzuriaga Campoverde, María Daniela
dc.description.abstractOne of the characteristics of today's society is consumption; it is becoming more personal, autonomous and unpredictable, prompting a swift acquisition also known as impulsive buying. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of impulsivity in the buying behavior of women in Cuenca through the offline channel (physical stores) in relation to the fashion sector. For the development of the investigation, a structured cross-sectional survey is performed, with 381 women between 20 and 50 years old. A qualitative and quantitative study is carried out, where qualitative analysis is used to identify relevant factors that are incorporated into the quantitative analysis. Subsequently, with the descriptive analysis of the target audience and based on the impulsive buying study (IMCOM) proposed by Sarabia and Schmidt, two segments are defined: the first, women with highly impulsive buying behavior, and the second, women without highly impulsive buying behavior; managing to verify its theory by means of the cluster analysis method, which shows that the degree of impulsivity of the study group of this investigation is between these two levels: high and low. Furthermore, the results indicate that these impulse purchase levels have an assertive relationship with the offline channel. Finally, in order to establish the relationship between the profiles of those surveyed according to these two levels of impulsivity, the student's statistical tool is applied which relates level of impulsivity and age, the chi-square statistic that relates level of impulsivity and income, and the binary logistic regression that relates purchase preference with area, age, income, level of education, occupation, purchase frequency, purchase motivation and payment method
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectIngeniería en Marketing
dc.subjectTiendas offline
dc.subjectCantón Cuenca
dc.titleEstudio del comportamiento de compra impulsiva en el canal offline enfocado en el sector moda en la ciudad de Cuenca en el periodo 2019-2020

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