dc.contributorJadán Avilés, Diana Carolina
dc.creatorBerrezueta Guamán, Nelson Bladimiro
dc.description.abstractThis research proposes k-NSGA-II, an algorithm based on evolutionary computing that mixes properties of micro-algorithms and artificial intelligence fundamentals such as clustering. The objective of k-NSGA-II is to optimize processes in real environments and to efficiently support decision making in organizations. The changes developed were made in NSGA-II, a multiobjective genetic algorithm based on the non-dominance of its results. The functionality of k-NSGA-II was verified by performance tests comparing it with NSGA-II and µ-NSGA-II. These tests were performed on different objective functions and on a case study, which was based on the optimization of product production and distribution. The objectives were to minimize waste and maximize profit through sales. k-NSGA-II was used to optimize the functions generating interesting results for the company. It was also more useful with respect to NSGA-II as it generated a small number of accurate solutions that the analyst could review quickly before making a decision, compared to NSGA-II which works with sets of 200 solutions or µ-NSGA-II which did not present solutions that could be useful to the company. The k-NSGA-II algorithm presents an innovation with respect to NSGA-II as it is a precise micro algorithm whose solutions are very useful for decision making in real problem environments. It improves the evaluation time and avoids the analyst's fatigue because it does not present a great amount of results that many times are not analysed.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.subjectIngeniería Industrial
dc.subjectInteligencia artificial
dc.subjectIngeniería de producción
dc.subjectTécnica de producción
dc.titleOptimización de la cadena de suministro mediante el uso de un algoritmo genético basado en clusterización

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