dc.contributorGalindo Banegas, Telmo Benjamín
dc.contributorAlvarez Serrano, Marlene Elizabeth
dc.creatorSánchez Alvarado, David Fernando
dc.creatorCarrasco Contreras, Maribel Fabiola
dc.creatorCampoverde Ochoa, Mariela Soledad
dc.description.abstractObjective. Characterize the sensitivity and resistance of Proteus, Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Klebsiella isolated in crops in the Vicente Corral and Jose Carrasco hospitals of Cuenca city. Materials and Methods. With a cross sectional study was collected information 1000 primary cultures in the outpatient and hospitalization of both houses of health from 2008 to 2009. Results. In the 1000 primary cultivations 789 (79%) picked up in the Hospital Vicente Corral and 211 (21%) in the Hospital José Carrasco 137 were identified (13,7%) positive cultivations for: Klebsiella spp (5,5%), Enterobacter spp (4,9%), Proteus spp (1,7%) and Pseudomona spp (1,6%). In both hospitals the biggest percentage was of the Service of External Consultation. Pseudomona spp went more resistant to Cefepima (53,4%). Gentamicina (50%) and Ceftriaxona (50%); Klebsiella spp to Ampiciline Sulbactam (52,8%) and Gentamicina (40%); Enterobacter spp to Gentamicina (65,4%), and Proteus spp to Ciprofloxacina (41,2%) and Sulbactam (35,3%). The summary characterizes the variables of interest like age, sex and bacterial resistance in patient as well as the hospital areas where were assisted and collection the sample for cultivation and antibiograma. Technique was used settled down in cultivation microbiology (primary, secondary), you prove biochemical of identification and antibiograma of Kirby Bawer, validated internationally. Conclusions: Sensitivity and bacterial resistance patterns are very changing and differ markedly between health centres. Bacterial behavior seems to be determined by the abuse of antibiotics. KEY WORDS: bacteria - characterization - proteus, pseudopretty, klebsiella, to enterobacter - bacterial farmacoresistencia - technical and procedures of laboratory - patient, hospitals public, Cuenca - Ecuador
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.subjectLaboratorio Clínico
dc.subjectAnálisis clínico
dc.subjectHospital José Carrasco Arteaga
dc.subjectHospital Regional Vicente Corral Moscoso
dc.subjectCantón Cuenca
dc.titleCaracterización y resistencia de proteus, pseudomona, klebsiella y enterobacter en 1000 cultivos primarios en pacientes de los hospitales Vicente Corral Moscoso y José Carrasco Arteaga, Cuenca, 2008-2009

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