dc.contributorLliguaipuma Aguirre, Mónica del Carmen
dc.creatorMatute Argudo, Maricela Elizabeth
dc.description.abstractThe present work is a qualitative research of descriptive – phenomenological, has as objective to analyze the teaching practices of the teachers of Mathematics in the basic top of the Educational Unit of the Millennium Paiguara. Authors such as Ausubel (1993), Piaget (1977), Vygotsky (1978), Freire (1993), among others, argue the change of role of the teacher and the student within the teaching and learning processes by providing priority to the prior knowledge that exist in the cognitive structure of each subject to learn and requires that each teaching practice you are closing through the use of strategies and activities that promote interaction with the reality of the individuals, the team work, the resolution of everyday problems, the development of critical thinking and reflective. These being some of the elements of constructivism that guide the practices of teaching from the national curriculum and the pedagogical approach of the institution, the need arises to analyze instructional practices that employ teachers of Mathematics to establish their incidence in the achievement of the students of the Educational Unit of the Millennium Paiguara, for the collection of the information is conducted observations classroom, review the schedules micro-curriculum and interviews with each of the teachers and a student survey of the sublevel basic top. The most significant results were the predominance of elements in constructivist: group work, use of questions in the exploration of knowledge and evaluation of learning, graphic representations, readings, explanation of the contents and exercises of mental calculation, in relation to considered within the research as non-constructivist: resolution of exercises through the application of formulas, text handling and repetition of exercises. In addition, we showed the application of what has been planned during the teaching practices and determined that the impact of teaching practices on student achievement depend on the handling of certain factors in which the teacher interferes.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.subjectEstratégias educativas
dc.titlePrácticas de enseñanza de los docentes de matemática en la básica superior y su incidencia en el aprovechamiento de los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa del Milenio Paiguara

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