dc.contributorBuenaño Barrionuevo, Llaquelina Amanda
dc.creatorPacheco Altamirano, Diana Jacqueline
dc.creatorOrtega Morocho, Diego Fabián
dc.description.abstractBackground. - Traditional medicine was and always will be an important point of pride that represents the identity of the Ecuadorian people; it shows we care cultural performing mothers to their children. However, for the health sector the fundamental challenge is to incorporate the intercultural approach in Care and Management Model which implies an ethical and political positioning of recognition and respect for cultural diversity. Objective general. - To determine knowledge, attitudes and cultural practices of first-time mothers against newborn care, Health Center UNE Totoraocha 2016. Methodology and technique. - A descriptive type of study was conducted. The study consisted of 100 first-time mothers who attended the health center UNE Totoracocha. To obtain information a survey was applied; taken as a reference of the thesis "Care-aged styles in children from 0 to 2 years old of urban and rural areas of the city of Cuenca" 2013. The data tabulation was done with SPSS 22 and Microsoft Office Excel programs and the results were presented in graphs and tables of frequencies and percentages. Results. - Are adult stem 76%, 46% perform household chores, 55% I pupero put her baby, 66% used objects to form the navel, 84% believe in the bad air, 82% know about terror, 77% believe in the evil eye, 51% do not know the colerín, 52% know the zhungo, 58% believe in pujo, 59% did not wrap your child with girdle, 50% mixed feeding, exclusive breastfeeding 47%, 3% milk formula
dc.subjectConocimientos Actitudes Y Practicas En Salud
dc.subjectRecien Nacido
dc.titleConocimientos, actitudes y prácticas culturales de las madres primíparas frente al cuidado del recién nacido. Centro de Salud une Totoracocha, Cuenca 2016

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