Ecuador | bachelorThesis
dc.contributorSalazar Guamán, Ximena Alejandrina
dc.creatorMorejón Quezada, Hernán Patricio
dc.creatorSinchi Tenesaca, Edison Román
dc.description.abstractThis thesis aims from the perspective of the discipline of the Territorial planning, provides a tool methodology to identify and prove that the socio- spatial differentiation within the Ecuadorian territory is complex and contrasts with the current perception that rural and urban is two opposing poles. It begins with the definition under the principles of systems theory, of the elements that determine the structure and function of human settlement; then the variables that characterize the same as they are rated by experts on the subject, are identified. The resulting variables are subjected to data mining techniques: first, factor analysis in few components that synthesizes information in a large number of variables. The second method is the multiple linear regression analysis that identifies the relationship between the factor components; here the most representative elements are identified in the characterization of human settlements, and these being also those in which a management plan should give special attention constitute important aspects of territories. Finally, the third method used is the Jenks Optimization,perfect for defining clusters from natural break points. This in order to perform the classification of Human Settlements in the case study (Girón), that identifies different types of settlements to those who describe their main characteristics, which establish its tendency toward urban or rural. Thus, the suitability of the methodology and pragmatism are verified.
dc.subjectAsentamientos Humanos
dc.subjectPlanificacion Territorial
dc.titleAnálisis de las características funcionales y estructurales de los asentamientos poblacionales que apoyan la definición de tipologías

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