dc.contributorCabrera Albornoz, Lucía Esperanza
dc.creatorMuñoz Calero, Adriana Valeria
dc.description.abstractToday, many companies have incorporated the technology to their daily operations. This situation, has improved the information availability. And it has allowed them act against a different kinds of situations. Therefore, when the companies have real-time information, the companies’ decisions are based on more accurate forecast. In this way, the companies can act on certain drawbacks which, if they are not detected at time, they can cause great losses to the organization system. According to this, the design of the present work degree has as aim to show the proposal of a Time Control System Production to the line of finishes to the construction by Bermeo Hnos. company. The proposed system, has been created to facilitate the control and monitoring of each of the products ordered within a certain production order. Based on this, the tool allows to Bermeo Hnos to manage its resources to comply the delivery times requested by customers. Therefore, it will allow the company act in time to any deviation that may occur in the manufacture of an order placed with respect to the estimated time. The operation of the proposed control system, will determine in which process should be a specific order according to the estimates set times. Based on the information generated, the system will be able to compare the actual state with respect to the estimated state of manufacture.
dc.subjectIngeniería Empresarial
dc.subjectSistema de control
dc.subjectEstados de fabricación
dc.titlePropuesta de un sistema de control de tiempos de producción para la línea de fabricación de acabados para la construcción, Plasmade, de la Empresa Bermeo Hnos. Cia. Ltda.

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