dc.contributorCastillo Serrano, Juan Fernando
dc.creatorGuillén Merchán, María Claudia
dc.description.abstractThe present integrating project has the objective of making a proposal of the processes and policies to be followed to determine the feasibility of new products prior to its launch for the Azende Corporation. This project arose as a result of a previous analysis of the company, in which it was determined that due to the lack of procedures and policies for the feasibility analysis of new products, many of these fail after being launched to the market. For this reason, a series of studies and analyzes are proposed that must be carried out to reduce the risk of launching a product and that it fails in the market. Among these studies we find the market, technical, administrative - legal and economic - financial study. All these, when carried out and reviewed together, allow decisions that are crucial for the company, since they would avoid wasting resources on products that the market does not demand or that are not profitable for the company. Additionally, policies are established that will guide the decisions made on the data obtained in each of the studies; and clearly diagrammed procedures. As a consequence, Corporación Azende is expected to incorporate this proposed manual to improve the use of its resources, so that these are always destined to generate products that the market seeks, that are technically and administratively viable and that will generate economic benefits for the company.
dc.subjectIngeniería Empresarial
dc.subjectEstudio de mercado
dc.titlePropuesta de procesos y políticas de análisis de factibilidad de nuevos productos para la empresa Corporación Azende Cia. Ltda

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