dc.contributorArias Pallaroso, Francisco Alexander
dc.creatorMartínez Ordóñez, Luisa María
dc.description.abstractEcuador has undergone substantial changes in institutional policy, since the Constitution approved in 2008 was constituted with a plurinational and intercultural character focused in the paradigm of Good Living (Sumak Kawsay), in the search for a harmonious relationship between society and nature, this last one recognized as subject of rights in the aforementioned constitution. Furthermore, of the formal recognition of indigenous people and nationalities as territorial units, they search to claim and enforce their rights in the framework of interculturality. In regards to the planning of these territories there are operational instruments, such is the case of SENPLADES that issues a methodological guide for the elaboration of the plans of development and territorial order for each level of government with general guidelines that can get homogenized to the population outside of this intercultural approach. In the present work seeks to position Ecuador in the fulfillment of this public policy against similar cases within the Andean Community, thus, from an integral point of view, the experiences of countries that go by this path are taken in order to have guidelines on the effectiveness of policies in relation with the operative instruments that effects the rights in the indigenous population. If one thinks, in the indigenous settlements with an own cosmovision, the only way to guarantee what is stated in the constitutional charter to achieve a Good Living, is the contribution, with guidelines that help us move forward regarding on the planning of indigenous settlements in order for them to appropriate and self-manage and at serve to the construct of this new paradigm.
dc.relationTM4;1302a (escrita)
dc.subjectAsentamientos humanos
dc.subjectPlan de desarrollo
dc.subjectPolíticas públicas
dc.subjectPoblación indígena
dc.titleEstudio comparativo de las metodologías para planes de ordenamiento territorial en asentamientos indígenas. Aportes para el caso ecuatoriano

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