dc.contributorÁlvarez Palomeque, Julio Efraín
dc.creatorVillacis Guerrero, José María
dc.description.abstractThe work consists of two components, theoretical and practical. The first analysis starts from the Neo-figurative model that arose as a response to the force that the abstract art acquired in the late 1960s. Following a first approach to art and Neofiguretivist neovanguardist is taking place through significant theoretical art world. Art from the sociological point of view linked. Then an analysis of expressionist and neo-expressionist context related to the moods and subsequent repudiation of an approximation of beauty unfolds. The practical and fundamental aspect of this project lies in the direct relationship of the subject with the plastic proposal considering that the author of the work was always linked with expressionism from the time of student at career arts. A Dossier for the initial Artistic Project which a first approach to the recumbent observable phenomena within the paintings on display is made. Then explains the process to produce sensations in the development of a number of jobs through a bank photographs previously developed and are part of the main idea of the picture. Finally, through the treated artistic production proceeds to develop the exhibition at the Quinta Bolívar Cultural Center of the city of Cuenca, Ecuador under this reflection it is decided the appropriateness of an approach that promotes parliaments in the sense of achieving a better cultural mission.
dc.subjectArte contemporáneo
dc.titlePresencia y actualidad de la corriente neofigurativista en Ecuador de los años 80s estudio de caso de Marcelo Aguirre, Jorge Velarde y Tomás Ochoa

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